How come no stars in the film/photos taken outside the atmosphere of the Earth? No views of the Star Fields on the 3 day trip to Moon. We went there 9 times?! No comments by any astronauts on the stars and how they do not twinkle in no air…and there would be plenty to see! Duh?! and what gives…I 've never seen a star in any photo by NASA taken by a film camera by a person outside the atmosphere since NASA started…
Astronauts Live 'In the Shadow of the Moon'
Film Records Deepest Thoughts of Men Who Went to the Moon
Sept. 7, 2007 –
In all of time, only 24 human beings have flown to or around the moon, looked back, and seen Earth as a small blue sphere in the blackness of space.
Their numbers are dwindling. Of the 12 who walked on the moon's surface, only nine are alive today, and the youngest is 71.
So British director David Sington and his crew set out to seize the moment — now, before the opportunity passes, to bring the Apollo astronauts together in one film, and ask them how the experience affected them.
"I think these guys are very sane individuals. They are very down to earth, because, in some sense, they really know what Earth is," says Sington. "There are 7 billion of us on the planet, and nine of those 7 billion have stood on another heavenly body."
Film web site
Clip on Apple
The reason you can't see star fields in the moon photos is because the moons surface is highly reflective – it would be like taking a photo from the top of a giant light bulb – anything distant and/or dim (as stars are) will not show. Kind of like taking a flash photo as night – you won't see the stars in that photo either.