This is amazing! Lovins was on the Charlie Rose Show saying this too. This is in complete contradiction to supposed "Greens" like Stewart Brand, James Lovelock (Mr Gaia , himself!), and others, saying we have to go Nuclear Power Plants to save ourselves!? WTF?! And a 4th media hit! Neil Young on Letterman mentions Lovins!
from Democracy Now
Amory Lovins: Expanding Nuclear Power Makes Climate Change Worse
There's one issue that President Bush and presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama all agree on: expanding the use of nuclear power. We speak with Amory Lovins, the co-founder, chairman and chief scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado, who has been described as "one of the Western world's most influential energy thinkers." [includes rush transcript]
Also see RMI site Rocky Mountain Institute with Amory Lovins
another follow-up interview with Lovins by Amy Goodman!
The presidential candidates are wrong on nuclear power. Wind, solar and microgeneration (generating electricity and heat at the same time, in smaller plants), on the other hand, are taking off globally, gaining billions of dollars in private investments. Lovins summarizes: “One of the big reasons we have an oil problem and a climate problem today is we spent our money on the wrong stuff.